Sunday, March 30, 2008

If I feel sad

If I am sick, I feel so bad. I don't like eat,and I don't go to any place. I like to stay at my home. I am blah all the time. I relax all the time. I drink ever thing hot. I go to doctor. then he give me Prescription. I feel too much sad. I sleep more time. I go to pray.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Who's Delve Pit his Brother Signed in it

Who's Delve Pit his Brother Signed in it

First, this is story know in Saudi Arabia. One day, Ali has a lot friends. He is crazy man. He goes with friend. Then he think delve a pit. Also he wants to delve the pit. After he do that. He want to Located in the pit. After that, his friend and he go to the pit, but his friend don't know about this the pit. However, he for get where is it. He walked with his friend and he Signed in the pit. Then he go to hospital. In the end all people took the parable, they know this parable((Who's Delve Pit his Brother Signed in it))..

Sunday, March 23, 2008

This book is talk about young man his name Cinque and forty-nine other young Africans they was kidnapped from their homes . They were lived in Sierra Leane . Sierra Leane it is a small country on the west coast of Africa . They were taker to Cuba by sea and the journey it is too faraway from Sierra
Leane to Cuba . Cinque knew that he will sold as slave, so he tried to be free man anyway he did it . He unlocked his heavy chains and for his friends also . He went up to the top of the ship, into the storm and his friends followed him . They fight with Spanish sailor and they were won in that difficult fight . Cinque and his friends found their freedom . After that , they breasted many troubles to go back home but finally make it .

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Notting Hill

Notting Hill is funy story. I like this story. It has funny, interesting,cry, and Excellent. I think Willam is good man, and Anne is good woman. the movie has very good cast. I think this movie has 3 stars for me. I enjoy watch this movie . I love it. I think different between story and watch movie , because If you watch movie easy understand , but the sory is difficult understand.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Condoleezza Rice is Minister of Foreign Affairs in usa. she has 50 years-old . she is the most powerful woman. she is from the African American origin. she has more many. she is rich woman in the USA . she is Successful woman. She has more cars. She has big house. I think she has children and husband. She is lovely in the USA . she was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in January 2005 .

Sunday, March 2, 2008


I had cell phone .it is name NOKIA N95 . it has a camera . this camera is 5 Megapixel, and 5 zoom . it has messeger and wireless . it has 2 cameras . it has a big memory 2 GB . it has a blutooth and IR . it has MP3 player . it has maps and GBRS. you can open net in your DSL . it is like maglan ,camera , MP3 player and campotoer . it is easy to use it . it has a cabel. you can watch TV . you can chick your e-mail . this cell phone is the best for me ......

Sunday, February 24, 2008

My friend

My friend is smart . He is good man .He is favored friends to me .He has 3 brother and 1 sister . I like my friend .And he like me . My friend and I studied in Saudi Arabia .My friend and I are going to go Makkah ,becouse we want pray in Mosque (Mosque Al-Haram). Then I going to Jeddah becouse we want swim in beach .

He is studying Medicine . He has a car new . And he is wheaten skin. He is Long and fast . He is first on the class in classroom. He living in Riyadh now. he is like Organizer. His father is Businessman . His name is Abdullah